The Visia Skin Analysis reviews the following eight skin features of your skin (that are largely invisible to the naked-eye).

  1. Spots
  2. Pores
  3. Wrinkles
  4. Texture
  5. Porphyrins
  6. UV Spots
  7. Red Areas
  8. Brown spots

Once you are equipped with a clear idea of what is going on with your skin, you can decide on the best way for you to move forward. Whether that consists of a maintenance plan to keep things looking as good as they are now, or an active treatment plan to improve any areas of concern

The Visia Skin Analysis device allows you to see (in exquisite detail) EVERYTHING that is going on with your skin. By providing a scientific view on the current state of your skin, the Visia lets you develop a customized treatment plan that will truly address your real skin issues and bonus.

WHAT is going on with your skin?!

Is your skin normal for your age?

How does your skin compare to others?

The Visia Complexion Analysis is a state-of-the-art camera that will assess every aspect of your skin, and answer all of the above questions. Redness, pore size, signs of aging, sun damage, and more (eyelashes, even!) will be assessed, and explained.

Who is a good candidate?

Visia Skin Complexion Analysis can benefit everyone, from 18 to 80.  A solid assessment of preexisting damage and future aging allows each patient to receive a customized aesthetic plan, specifically designed for their unique situation.

how can the analysis help

The results of the skin analysis are used to develop a bespoke rejuvenation programme for your specific needs. This can include a number of treatments e.g. laser treatments, chemical skin peels, radiofrequency treatment and other anti-ageing treatments.

how is the analysis carried out?

The Visia analysis involves placing your face into a special photo booth and taking photographs with a specialized camera under different light conditions and also from three different angles.

The results can be displayed on a computer within a minute and interpreted for you. The results and recommendations for any treatments can be summarized in a report for you to keep.
